Here is a list of all struct and union fields with links to the structures/unions they belong to:
- cacheClient
: NetworkClient
- cacheNetworkID
: ConfigValues
- CacheTableLoader()
: CacheTableLoader
- cacheWaitSecs
: ConfigValues
- CatalogTableFIELD()
: CatalogTableFIELD
- CatalogTableINDEX()
: CatalogTableINDEX
- CatalogTableINDEXFIELD()
: CatalogTableINDEXFIELD
- CatalogTableTABLE()
: CatalogTableTABLE
- CatalogTableUSER()
: CatalogTableUSER
- changePass()
: CatalogTableUSER
- changePassword()
: UserManagerImpl, UserManager
- chkStateForSQLBindCol()
: CSqlOdbcStmt
- chkStateForSQLBindParameter()
: CSqlOdbcStmt
- chkStateForSQLCloseCursor()
: CSqlOdbcStmt
- chkStateForSQLConnect()
: CSqlOdbcDbc
- chkStateForSQLDescribeCol()
: CSqlOdbcStmt
- chkStateForSQLDescribeParam()
: CSqlOdbcStmt
- chkStateForSQLDisconnect()
: CSqlOdbcDbc
- chkStateForSQLEndTran()
: CSqlOdbcDbc
- chkStateForSQLExecDirect()
: CSqlOdbcStmt
- chkStateForSQLExecute()
: CSqlOdbcStmt
- chkStateForSQLFetch()
: CSqlOdbcStmt
- chkStateForSQLFreeHandle()
: CSqlOdbcStmt, CSqlOdbcEnv, CSqlOdbcDbc
- chkStateForSQLFreeStmt()
: CSqlOdbcStmt
- chkStateForSQLGetCursorName()
: CSqlOdbcStmt
- chkStateForSQLNumParams()
: CSqlOdbcStmt
- chkStateForSQLNumResultCols()
: CSqlOdbcStmt
- chkStateForSQLPrepare()
: CSqlOdbcStmt
- chkStateForSQLRowCount()
: CSqlOdbcStmt
- chkStateForSQLSetConnectAttr()
: CSqlOdbcDbc
- chkStateForSQLSetCursorName()
: CSqlOdbcStmt
- chkStateForSQLSetEnvAttr()
: CSqlOdbcEnv
- Chunk
: ChunkIterator
- chunkPtr_
- clearFieldNameList()
: ParsedData
- clearFldNull()
: TableImpl, Table
- clientAddress
: TCPServer
- clientfd
: TCPServer
- close()
: SelStatement, TableImpl, TupleIterator, Table, SelStatement, SqlStatement, SqlOdbcStatement, SqlLogStatement, SqlGwStatement, SessionImpl, Session, Connection, AbsSqlStatement
- closeDatabase()
: DatabaseManagerImpl
- closeFile()
: os
- closeTable()
: DatabaseManagerImpl, DatabaseManager
- cNotNullInfo
: TableImpl
- cNullInfo
: TableImpl
- col_
: CSqlOdbcDesc
- colName_
: CSqlOdbcDesc
- commit()
: TransactionManager, SqlOdbcConnection, SqlLogConnection, SqlGwConnection, SqlConnection, SessionImpl, Session, Connection, AbsSqlConnection
- compact()
: Chunk
- compareBinaryVal()
: AllDataType
- compareByteIntVal()
: AllDataType
- compareDateVal()
: AllDataType
- compareDoubleVal()
: AllDataType
- compareFloatVal()
: AllDataType
- compareIntVal()
: AllDataType
- compareLongLongVal()
: AllDataType
- compareLongVal()
: AllDataType
- compareShortVal()
: AllDataType
- compareStringVal()
: AllDataType
- compareTimeStampVal()
: AllDataType
- compareTimeVal()
: AllDataType
- compareVal()
: AllDataType
- computeHashBucket()
: HashIndex
- con
: AbsSqlStatement
- Condition()
: Condition
- config
: Conf
- ConfigValues()
: ConfigValues
- conn
: SqlNetworkHandler
- connect()
: SqlOdbcConnection, SqlLogConnection, SqlGwConnection, SqlConnection, NetworkTable, TCPClient, UDPClient, NetworkClient, AbsSqlConnection
- connectAdapterIfNotConnected()
: SqlGwConnection
- connectCSqlIfNotConnected()
: SqlGwConnection
- connectIfNotConnected()
: SqlLogConnection, NetworkTable
- Connection()
: Connection
- connectTimeout
: NetworkClient
- convert()
: AllDataType
- convertFromSQLType()
: AllDataType
- convertToByteInt()
: AllDataType
- convertToDate()
: AllDataType
- convertToDouble()
: AllDataType
- convertToFloat()
: AllDataType
- convertToInt()
: AllDataType
- convertToLong()
: AllDataType
- convertToLongLong()
: AllDataType
- convertToShort()
: AllDataType
- convertToSQL_C_Type()
: AllDataType
- convertToSQLType()
: AllDataType
- convertToString()
: AllDataType
- convertToTime()
: AllDataType
- convertToTimeStamp()
: AllDataType
- copyVal()
: AllDataType
- createAllCatalogTables()
: Database
- createClient()
: NetworkFactory
- createConnection()
: SqlFactory
- createDatabase()
: DatabaseManagerImpl
- CreateIdxStatement()
: CreateIdxStatement
- createIndex()
: DatabaseManagerImpl, DatabaseManager
- createLogRecord()
: Logger
- createMetaDataTables()
: Database
- createProcess()
: os
- createStatement()
: SqlFactory
- createSystemDatabaseChunk()
: Database
- createSystemTables()
: Database
- createTable()
: DatabaseManagerImpl, DatabaseManager
- CreateTblStatement()
: CreateTblStatement
- createUndoLog()
: Transaction
- createUser()
: UserManagerImpl, UserManager
- csql
: BindBuffer
- csqlErrCode
: ErrorDetails, CSqlOdbcError
- CSqlOdbcDesc()
: CSqlOdbcDesc
- CSqlOdbcDescList()
: CSqlOdbcDescList
- CSqlOdbcError()
: CSqlOdbcError
- CSqlProcInfo()
: CSqlProcInfo
- csqlType_
: CSqlOdbcDesc
- cType_
: CSqlOdbcDesc
- curAccessMode_
: CSqlOdbcDbc
- curIsolationLevel_
: CSqlOdbcDbc
- curPage_
: DatabaseMetaData
- curSize_
: DatabaseMetaData
- cursorName_
: CSqlOdbcStmt
Generated on Mon Jun 9 22:42:57 2008 for csql by