
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /***************************************************************************
00002  *   Copyright (C) 2007 by                           *
00003  *   Contact:                                 *
00004  *                                                                         *
00005  *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
00006  *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
00007  *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
00008  *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
00009  *                                                                         *
00010  *   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,       *
00011  *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *
00013  *   GNU General Public License for more details.                          *
00014  *                                                                         *
00015   ***************************************************************************/
00016 #include<CatalogTables.h>
00017 #include<Database.h>
00018 #include<Allocator.h>
00019 #include<Field.h>
00020 #include<Debug.h>
00022 DbRetVal CatalogTableTABLE::insert(const char *name, int id, size_t size,
00023                     int numFlds, void* chunk, void *&tptr)
00024 {
00025     Chunk *tChunk = systemDatabase_->getSystemDatabaseChunk(TableTableId);
00026     DbRetVal rv = OK;
00027     tptr = tChunk->allocate(systemDatabase_, &rv);
00028     if (NULL == tptr)
00029     {
00030         printError(rv,
00031                    "Could not allocate memory for for TABLE catalog table");
00032         return rv;
00033     }
00034     TABLE *tableInfo = (TABLE*)tptr;
00035     strcpy(tableInfo->tblName_, name);
00036     tableInfo->tblID_ = id;
00037     tableInfo->length_ = size;
00038     tableInfo->numFlds_ = numFlds;
00039     tableInfo->numIndexes_ = 0;
00040     tableInfo->chunkPtr_ = chunk;
00041     printDebug(DM_SystemDatabase,"One Row inserted into TABLE %x %s",tptr, name);
00042     return OK;
00043 }
00045 DbRetVal CatalogTableTABLE::remove(const char *name, void *&chunk, void *&tptr)
00046 {
00047     Chunk *tChunk = systemDatabase_->getSystemDatabaseChunk(TableTableId);
00048     ChunkIterator iter = tChunk->getIterator();
00050     void *data = NULL;
00051     while ((data = iter.nextElement())!= NULL)
00052     {
00053          if (0 == strcmp(((TABLE*)data)->tblName_, name))
00054          {
00055              //remove this element and store the tblPtr
00056              //there will be only one row for this table(Primary key)
00057              tptr = (void*) data;
00058              chunk = (Chunk*) ((TABLE*)data)->chunkPtr_;
00059              break;
00060          }
00061     }
00062     if (NULL != tptr)
00063     {
00064         tChunk->free(systemDatabase_, tptr);
00065         printDebug(DM_SystemDatabase,"One Row deleted from TABLE %x %s",tptr, name);
00066     }
00067     else
00068     {
00069         printError(ErrNotExists,"Table %s not exists in TABLE catalog table", name);
00070         return ErrNotExists;
00071     }
00072     return OK;
00073 }
00075 DbRetVal CatalogTableTABLE::getChunkAndTblPtr(const char *name,
00076                                                void *&chunk, void *&tptr)
00077 {
00078     Chunk *chk = systemDatabase_->getSystemDatabaseChunk(TableTableId);
00079     ChunkIterator iter = chk->getIterator();;
00080     while (NULL != (tptr = iter.nextElement()))
00081     {
00082          if (strcmp(((TABLE*)tptr)->tblName_, name) == 0)
00083          {
00084              //there will be only one row for this table(Primary key)
00085              chunk = (Chunk*) ((TABLE*)tptr)->chunkPtr_;
00086              return OK;
00087          }
00088     }
00089     //table not found in TABLE
00090     return ErrNotFound;
00091 }
00093 List CatalogTableTABLE::getTableList()
00094 {
00095     List tableList;
00096     Chunk *chk = systemDatabase_->getSystemDatabaseChunk(TableTableId);
00097     ChunkIterator iter = chk->getIterator();
00098     void *tptr;
00099     while (NULL != (tptr = iter.nextElement()))
00100     {
00101          Identifier *elem = new Identifier();
00102          strcpy(elem->name, ((TABLE*)tptr)->tblName_);
00103          tableList.append(elem);
00104     }
00105     return tableList;
00106 }
00108 DbRetVal CatalogTableFIELD::insert(FieldIterator &iter, int tblID, void *tptr)
00109 {
00110     Chunk *fChunk = systemDatabase_->getSystemDatabaseChunk(FieldTableId);
00111     DbRetVal rv = OK;
00112     while (iter.hasElement())
00113     {
00114         void *fptr = fChunk->allocate(systemDatabase_, &rv);
00115         if (NULL == fptr)
00116         {
00117             printError(rv,
00118                    "Could not allocate for FIELD catalog table");
00119             return rv;
00120         }
00121         FIELD *fldInfo = (FIELD*)fptr;
00122         FieldDef fDef = iter.nextElement();
00123         strcpy(fldInfo->fldName_, fDef.fldName_);
00124         fldInfo->tblID_ = tblID;
00125         fldInfo->tblPtr_ = tptr;
00126         fldInfo->type_ = fDef.type_;
00127         fldInfo->length_ = fDef.length_;
00128         fldInfo->offset_ = 0; //TODO
00129         os::memcpy(fldInfo->defaultValueBuf_, fDef.defaultValueBuf_,
00130                                         DEFAULT_VALUE_BUF_LENGTH);
00131         fldInfo->isNull_ = fDef.isNull_;
00132         fldInfo->isPrimary_ = fDef.isPrimary_;
00133         fldInfo->isUnique_ = fDef.isUnique_;
00134         fldInfo->isDefault_ = fDef.isDefault_;
00135         fldInfo->width_ = 0; //TODO
00136         fldInfo->scale_ = 0; //TODO
00137         printDebug(DM_SystemDatabase,"One Row inserted into FIELD %x %s",fldInfo, fDef.fldName_);
00139     }
00140     return OK;
00141 }
00143 DbRetVal CatalogTableFIELD::remove(void *tptr)
00144 {
00145     Chunk *fChunk = systemDatabase_->getSystemDatabaseChunk(FieldTableId);
00146     ChunkIterator fIter = fChunk->getIterator();
00147     void *data = NULL;
00148     while ((data = fIter.nextElement())!= NULL)
00149     {
00150         if (((FIELD*)data)->tblPtr_ == tptr)
00151         {
00152             //remove this element
00153             fChunk->free(systemDatabase_, data);
00154             printDebug(DM_SystemDatabase,"One Row deleted from FIELD %x",data);
00155         }
00156     }
00157     return OK;
00158 }
00160 void CatalogTableFIELD::getFieldInfo(void* tptr, FieldList &list)
00161 {
00162     Chunk *fChunk = systemDatabase_->getSystemDatabaseChunk(FieldTableId);
00163     ChunkIterator fIter = fChunk->getIterator();;
00164     void *data = NULL;
00165     while (NULL != (data = fIter.nextElement()))
00166     {
00167         if (((FIELD*)data)->tblPtr_ == tptr)
00168         {
00169             //add the information to the field list
00170             FIELD *fTuple = (FIELD*)data;
00171             FieldDef fldDef;
00172             strcpy(fldDef.fldName_, fTuple->fldName_);
00173             fldDef.fldName_[IDENTIFIER_LENGTH] = '\0';
00174             fldDef.type_ = fTuple->type_;
00175             fldDef.length_ = fTuple->length_;
00176             fldDef.isDefault_ = fTuple->isDefault_;
00177             os::memcpy(fldDef.defaultValueBuf_, fTuple->defaultValueBuf_,
00178                                          DEFAULT_VALUE_BUF_LENGTH);
00179             fldDef.isNull_ = fTuple->isNull_;
00180             fldDef.isUnique_ = fTuple->isUnique_;
00181             fldDef.isPrimary_ = fTuple->isPrimary_;
00182             list.append(fldDef);
00183         }
00184     }
00185     return;
00186 }
00188 DbRetVal CatalogTableFIELD::getFieldPtrs(FieldNameList &fldList,void *tptr, char **&fptr)
00189 {
00190     Chunk *fChunk = systemDatabase_->getSystemDatabaseChunk(FieldTableId);
00191     int i=0;
00192     char *fName = NULL;
00193     bool found = false;
00194     fldList.resetIter();
00195     void *data = NULL;
00196     DbRetVal rv =OK;
00197     while (NULL != (fName = fldList.nextFieldName()))
00198     {
00199         ChunkIterator fIter = fChunk->getIterator();
00200         found = false;
00201         while (NULL != (data = fIter.nextElement()))
00202         {
00203             if (((FIELD*)data)->tblPtr_ == tptr)
00204             {
00205                  if(0 == strcmp((char*)((FIELD*)data)->fldName_, fName))
00206                  {
00207                      found = true;
00208                      //if (! ((FIELD*)data)->isNull_) rv = ErrBadCall;
00209                      fptr[i++] = (char*) data;
00210                      break;
00211                  }
00212             }
00213         }
00214         if (!found)
00215         {
00216             printError(ErrNotFound,
00217                    "No entries found in FIELD catalog table for the table specified");
00218             return ErrNotFound;
00219         }
00220     }
00221     return rv;
00222 }
00224 DbRetVal CatalogTableINDEX::insert(const char *name, void *tptr, int numFlds, bool isUnique,
00225                           void* chunk, int bucketSize, void *hChunk, void *&tupleptr)
00226 {
00227     Chunk *tChunk = systemDatabase_->getSystemDatabaseChunk(IndexTableId);
00228     ChunkIterator iter = tChunk->getIterator();
00230     //Checking for index having same name, proceed further only
00231     //if no such indexes are 
00232     void *data = NULL;
00233     while ((data = iter.nextElement())!= NULL)
00234     {
00235             if (0 == strcmp(((INDEX*)data)->indName_, name))
00236             {
00237                     printError(ErrAlready, "Index with name \'%s\' already exists "
00238                                     "on the table \'%s\'.", name, ((TABLE *)tptr)->tblName_);
00239                     return ErrAlready;
00240             }
00242     }
00244     DbRetVal rv =OK; 
00245     tupleptr = tChunk->allocate(systemDatabase_, &rv);
00246     if (NULL == tupleptr)
00247     {
00248         printError(rv,
00249                    "Could not allocate for INDEX catalog table");
00250         return rv;
00251     }
00252     INDEX *indexInfo = (INDEX*)tupleptr;
00253     strcpy(indexInfo->indName_, name);
00254     indexInfo->tblID_ = -1; //Not used currently
00255     indexInfo->tblPtr_ = tptr;
00256     indexInfo->numFlds_ = numFlds;
00257     indexInfo->indexType_ = hashIndex;
00258     indexInfo->chunkPtr_ = chunk;
00259     indexInfo->hashNodeChunk_ = hChunk;
00260     indexInfo->noOfBuckets_ = bucketSize;
00261     indexInfo->isUnique_ = isUnique;
00262     printDebug(DM_SystemDatabase,"One Row inserted into INDEX %x %s",tupleptr, name);
00263     return OK;
00264 }
00266 DbRetVal CatalogTableINDEX::remove(const char *name, void *&chunk, void *&hchunk, void *&iptr)
00267 {
00268     Chunk *fChunk = systemDatabase_->getSystemDatabaseChunk(IndexTableId);
00269     ChunkIterator iter = fChunk->getIterator();
00271     void *data = NULL;
00272     while ((data = iter.nextElement())!= NULL)
00273     {
00274          if (0 == strcmp(((INDEX*)data)->indName_, name))
00275          {
00276              //remove this element and store the tuple ptr
00277              //there will be only one row for this table(Primary key)
00278              chunk = (Chunk*) ((INDEX*)data)->chunkPtr_;
00279              hchunk = (Chunk*) ((INDEX*)data)->hashNodeChunk_;
00280              iptr = (void*) data;
00281              break;
00282          }
00283     }
00284     if (NULL != iptr)
00285     {
00286         fChunk->free(systemDatabase_, iptr);
00287         printDebug(DM_SystemDatabase,"One Row deleted from INDEX %x %s",iptr, name);
00288     }
00289     else
00290     {
00291         printError(ErrNotExists,"Index %s not exists in INDEX catalog table", name);
00292         return ErrNotExists;
00293     }
00294     return OK;
00295 }
00296 DbRetVal CatalogTableINDEX::get(const char *name, void *&chunk, void *&hchunk, void *&iptr)
00297 {
00298     Chunk *fChunk = systemDatabase_->getSystemDatabaseChunk(IndexTableId);
00299     ChunkIterator iter = fChunk->getIterator();
00301     void *data = NULL;
00302     while ((data = iter.nextElement())!= NULL)
00303     {
00304          if (0 == strcmp(((INDEX*)data)->indName_, name))
00305          {
00306              //remove this element and store the tuple ptr
00307              //there will be only one row for this table(Primary key)
00308              chunk = (Chunk*) ((INDEX*)data)->chunkPtr_;
00309              hchunk = (Chunk*) ((INDEX*)data)->hashNodeChunk_;
00310              iptr = (void*) data;
00311              break;
00312          }
00313     }
00314     if (NULL == iptr)
00315     {
00316         printError(ErrNotExists,"Index %s not exists in INDEX catalog table", name);
00317         return ErrNotExists;
00318     }
00319     return OK;
00320 }
00322 int CatalogTableINDEX::getNumIndexes(void *tptr)
00323 {
00324     Chunk *fChunk = systemDatabase_->getSystemDatabaseChunk(IndexTableId);
00325     ChunkIterator iter = fChunk->getIterator();
00326     void *iptr = NULL;
00327     int numIndex =0;
00328     while (NULL != (iptr = iter.nextElement()))
00329     {
00330          if (((INDEX*)iptr)->tblPtr_ == tptr) numIndex++;
00331     }
00332     return numIndex;
00333 }
00335 char* CatalogTableINDEX::getIndexName(void *tptr, int position)
00336 {
00337     if (position == 0) return NULL;
00338     Chunk *fChunk = systemDatabase_->getSystemDatabaseChunk(IndexTableId);
00339     ChunkIterator iter = fChunk->getIterator();
00340     void *iptr = NULL;
00341     int numIndex =0;
00342     int curPos =0;
00343     while (NULL != (iptr = iter.nextElement()))
00344     {
00345          if (((INDEX*)iptr)->tblPtr_ == tptr) curPos++;
00346          if ( curPos == position ) return ((INDEX*)iptr)->indName_;
00347     }
00348     return NULL;
00350 }
00352 void CatalogTableINDEX::getIndexPtrs(void *tptr, char **&array)
00353 {
00354     void *iptr = NULL;
00355     Chunk *fChunk = systemDatabase_->getSystemDatabaseChunk(IndexTableId);
00356     ChunkIterator iter = fChunk->getIterator();
00357     int i=0;
00358     while (NULL != (iptr = iter.nextElement()))
00359     {
00360          if (((INDEX*)iptr)->tblPtr_ == tptr)
00361          {
00362              array[i++] = (char*) iptr;
00363          }
00364     }
00365     return;
00366 }
00368 ChunkIterator CatalogTableINDEX::getIterator(void *iptr)
00369 {
00370     INDEX *index = (INDEX*)iptr;
00371     return ((Chunk*)index->chunkPtr_)->getIterator();
00372 }
00375 int CatalogTableINDEX::getNoOfBuckets(void *iptr)
00376 {
00377     INDEX *index = (INDEX*)iptr;
00378     return index->noOfBuckets_;
00379 }
00381 int CatalogTableINDEX::getUnique(void *iptr)
00382 {
00383     INDEX *index = (INDEX*)iptr;
00384     return index->isUnique_;
00385 }
00386 char* CatalogTableINDEX::getName(void *iptr)
00387 {
00388     INDEX *index = (INDEX*)iptr;
00389     return index->indName_;
00390 }
00392 DbRetVal CatalogTableINDEXFIELD::insert(FieldNameList &fldList, void *indexPtr,
00393                                          void *tblPtr, char **&fptr)
00394 {
00396     Chunk *fChunk;
00397     fChunk = systemDatabase_->getSystemDatabaseChunk(IndexFieldTableId);
00398     fldList.resetIter();
00399     int i =0;
00400     char *fName =NULL;
00401     void *data = NULL;
00402     ChunkIterator ifIter = fChunk->getIterator();
00403     while (NULL != (fName = fldList.nextFieldName()))
00404     {
00405         ifIter = fChunk->getIterator();
00406         while ((data = ifIter.nextElement()) != NULL) {
00407             if (0 == strcmp(((FIELD *)((INDEXFIELD *) data)->fieldPtr)->fldName_, fName) && ((INDEXFIELD *)data)->tablePtr == tblPtr) {
00408                 printError(ErrAlready, "Index on field \'%s\' already exists on table \'%s\' by name \'%s\'", ((FIELD *)((INDEXFIELD *)data)->fieldPtr)->fldName_, ((TABLE *)((INDEXFIELD *)data)->tablePtr)->tblName_, ((INDEX *)((INDEXFIELD *)data)->indexPtr)->indName_);
00409                 return ErrAlready;
00410             }
00411         }  
00412         DbRetVal rv = OK;
00413         void *fieldptr = fChunk->allocate(systemDatabase_, &rv);
00414         if (NULL == fieldptr)
00415         {
00416             printError(rv,
00417                    "Could not allocate for USER catalog table");
00418             return rv;
00419         }
00420         INDEXFIELD *fldInfo = (INDEXFIELD*)fieldptr;
00421         fldInfo->tablePtr = tblPtr;
00422         fldInfo->fieldPtr = (FIELD*)fptr[i++];
00423         fldInfo->indexPtr = indexPtr;
00424         printDebug(DM_SystemDatabase,"One Row inserted into INDEXFIELD %x", fldInfo);
00425     }
00426     return OK;
00427 }
00429 DbRetVal CatalogTableINDEXFIELD::remove(void *iptr)
00430 {
00431     Chunk *fChunk;
00432     fChunk = systemDatabase_->getSystemDatabaseChunk(IndexFieldTableId);
00433     ChunkIterator fIter = fChunk->getIterator();
00434     void *data = NULL;
00435     while ((data = fIter.nextElement())!= NULL)
00436     {
00437         if (((INDEXFIELD*)data)->indexPtr == iptr)
00438         {
00439             //remove this element
00440             fChunk->free(systemDatabase_, data);
00441             printDebug(DM_SystemDatabase,"One Row deleted from INDEXFIELD %x", data);
00442         }
00443     }
00444     return OK;
00445 }
00447 DbRetVal CatalogTableINDEXFIELD::getFieldNameAndType(void *index,
00448                                                 char *&name, DataType &type)
00449 {
00450     Chunk *ifChunk;
00451     ifChunk = systemDatabase_->getSystemDatabaseChunk(IndexFieldTableId);
00452     ChunkIterator ifIter = ifChunk->getIterator();
00453     void *data = NULL;
00454     while ((data = ifIter.nextElement())!= NULL)
00455     {
00456         if (((INDEXFIELD*)data)->indexPtr == index)
00457         {
00458             //store the field name
00459             name = ((FIELD*)(((INDEXFIELD*)data)->fieldPtr))->fldName_;
00460             type = ((FIELD*)(((INDEXFIELD*)data)->fieldPtr))->type_;
00461             return OK;
00462         }
00463     }
00464     printError(ErrNotExists,"Index %x not exists in catalog table", index);
00465     return ErrNotExists;
00466 }
00468 DbRetVal CatalogTableUSER::insert(const char *name, const char *pass)
00469 {
00470     Chunk *tChunk = systemDatabase_->getSystemDatabaseChunk(UserTableId);
00471     DbRetVal rv = OK;
00472     USER *usrInfo = (USER*)tChunk->allocate(systemDatabase_, &rv);
00473     if (NULL == usrInfo)
00474     {
00475         printError(rv,
00476                    "Could not allocate for USER catalog table");
00477         return rv;
00478     }
00479     strcpy(usrInfo->userName_, name);
00480     strcpy(usrInfo->password_, os::encrypt(pass, "A0"));
00481     return OK;
00483 }
00485 DbRetVal CatalogTableUSER::authenticate(const char *name, const char *pass,
00486                                    bool &isAuthenticated, bool &isDba)
00487 {
00488     Chunk *tChunk = systemDatabase_->getSystemDatabaseChunk(UserTableId);
00489     ChunkIterator iter = tChunk->getIterator();
00490     void *data = NULL;
00491     while (NULL != (data = iter.nextElement()))
00492     {
00493         if (strcmp(((USER*)data)->userName_, name) == 0)
00494         {
00495             //verify the password
00496             char * enpass = os::encrypt(pass,"A0");
00497             if (0 == strcmp(enpass, ((USER*)data)->password_))
00498             {
00499                 isAuthenticated = true;
00500                 if (0 == strcmp(((USER*)data)->userName_, DBAUSER))
00501                     isDba = true; else isDba = false;
00502                 return OK;
00503             }
00504         }
00505     }
00506     isAuthenticated = false;
00507     return OK;
00508 }
00510 DbRetVal CatalogTableUSER::remove(const char *name)
00511 {
00512     Chunk *tChunk = systemDatabase_->getSystemDatabaseChunk(UserTableId);
00513     ChunkIterator iter = tChunk->getIterator();
00514     void *data = NULL;
00515     while ((data = iter.nextElement())!= NULL)
00516     {
00517         if (strcmp(((USER*)data)->userName_, name) == 0)
00518         {
00519             //remove this element
00520             tChunk->free(systemDatabase_, data);
00521             return OK;
00522         }
00523     }
00524     printError(ErrNotExists,"User %s not exists in catalog table", name);
00525     return ErrNotExists;
00526 }
00528 DbRetVal CatalogTableUSER::changePass(const char *name, const char *pass)
00529 {
00530     Chunk *tChunk = systemDatabase_->getSystemDatabaseChunk(UserTableId);
00531     ChunkIterator iter = tChunk->getIterator();
00532     void *data = NULL;
00533     while (NULL != (data = iter.nextElement()))
00534     {
00535         if (strcmp(((USER*)data)->userName_, name) == 0)
00536         {
00537             //change the password
00538             strcpy(((USER*)data)->password_, os::encrypt(pass, "A0"));
00539             return OK;
00540         }
00541     }
00542     printError(ErrNotExists,"User %s not exists in catalog table", name);
00543     return ErrNotExists;
00544 }

Generated on Mon Jun 9 22:37:15 2008 for csql by  doxygen 1.4.7